Medical Research is a multidisciplinary journal that covers various fields of biomedicine,
including basic, clinical, and epidemiological research that has not been previously published.
Submitted articles should be original contributions presenting the scientifically sound research.
Manuscripts are prepared in accordance with the Instructions for Authors, and it’s accompanied
by a summary in Serbian and English.
Submission of manuscript
Submission of manuscript implies that it has not been previously published, that is not under
consideration for publication elsewhere, as well as, it has been approved by all co-authors.
Manuscripts and supplementary material must be submitted through the online manuscript
submission system:
During the submission, apart from the manuscript it is necessary to upload separate files
containing all attachments and a cover letter with author and co-authors’ signatures confirming
the originality of their work and ethics in scientific research.
Submitted articles are subjected to the following pass-process:
a. Upon successfully completing manuscript submission, the Editorial Office will confirm the
receipt of the article electronically and assign it a reference number that will be used for
further identification.
b. All manuscripts are subjected to plagiarism testing using IThenticate software. Manuscripts
with identified plagiarism or auto-plagiarism will be rejected.
c. Two independent reviewers from the area of research of the submitted manuscript will be
assigned. After receiving the reviewers’ opinion, the authors will be informed about the
outcome of the review, and the Section Editorial Board will give its opinion on the changes
or possible shortening of the text and inform the Editorial Board if the conditions for
publication have been met. If the paper is accepted for publication, the distribution rights are
transferred from the author to the journal.
According to International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) guidelines, the
following criteria for authorship should take into consideration: substantial contributions to the
conception or design of the manuscript; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data;
drafting or revising manuscript critically; final approval of the version to be published. Those
who do not substantially contributed to the submitted article should be listed in the
acknowledgments. The corresponding author is responsible for liaising with co-authors regarding
any editorial queries, and to act on behalf of all co-authors in any communication about the
article through submission, peer review, production, and after publication. The corresponding
author is also responsible for signing the publishing agreement on behalf of all the listed authors.
Cover letter
Cover letter is signed by the corresponding authors and includes the following: 1) statement that
the paper has never been published and concurrently submitted for publication to any other
journal; 2) statement that the manuscript has been read and approved by all authors who have
met the criteria of authorship; and 3) contact information of all authors of the article (address,
email, telephone number, etc.).
Technical preparation of the manuscript
General information
Manuscripts must be Microsoft Word documents in .doc or .docx format. Use Times New
Roman font, with the font size of 12 pt, with double spacing, 2.5 cm margins and left side
alignment (Left). All pages should be numbered consecutively in the lower right-hand corner,
starting from the title page. Main section headings are bold all caps font, subheadings are bold
sentence case font. Manuscripts should be written in clear and grammatically correct English.
A separate title page should be submitted with all submissions. The main document and figures
should be blind. Please exclude all information that may indicate to an individual or institution
from the main document. Acknowledgements, Financial Disclosure or other information that
indicate an individual or institution may be included in the title page.
Types of articles
Original articles contain up to 4000/5000 words, without abstracts in Serbian and English and
references, with the maximum of eight (8) attachments.
The original article should be structured as follows:
- Title page
• The title should be short and informative, without abbreviations. It is preferably written in
capital letters, Times New Roman, with the font size of 12pt (bold).
• Full names of all authors and their affiliations (department, university, city and country). All
affiliations are marked with numbers in the superscript. Corresponding author should provide
an e-mail address.
• Running title – an abbreviated version of the title that will appear at the top of every page
subsequent to the title page. It should not exceed 60 characters including spaces.
• Corresponding author – at the bottom of the page state the full name, institution where they
are employed with the address, telephone number and e-mail address.
- Abstract in Serbian
The abstract must not exceed 250 words, followed by the list of Key words (three to five). The
abstract of an original article should have the following structure: Introduction/Aim of the paper,
Methods, Results, Conclusion.
Exceptionally, abstracts sent for the purpose of a thematic issues of the journal Medical Research
that accompany the symposium “Innovations and tendencies in medicine” in the form of a Book
of Abstracts must meet the following criteria: the abstract contains 300 words, and it is
necessarily followed by a list of key words (three to five); abstract title is written in Times New
Roman font, 12pt, bold, capital letters; full names and affiliations of all authors are written in
Times New Roman 12pt font, in italics (Italic); full affiliations are written above the title,
whereas full names and surnames are written below the title, and it is important that the order of
affiliations written above the title follows the order of the corresponding names below the title
without using a superscript; the abstract can be written in Latin Serbian or English, in Times
New Roman font, 12pt; keywords should be written in Times New Roman font, 10pt, in italics
- Abstract in English
Abstract in English must not exceed 250 words and it is necessarily followed by a list of
Keywords (3-5). The abstract of the original article should have the following structure:
Introduction/Aim, Material and Methods, Results, Conclusion.
- The text of the article
The text of the article should contain the following sections (subheadings):
• The Introduction – authors should provide informative overview of literature relevant to the
topic, an insight into the problem that is the subject of the paper, highlighting hypotheses and
• The Material and Methods – this section refers to subjects, methods and statistical analysis.
This section should be divided into subsections. Full experimental details must be provided
so that the results can be reproduced.•
The Results – clearly presented research results arranged in a logical sequence and interpreted
without bias
The Discussion – interpretation of results, comparison with previous studies, notification of
possible limitations of the study.
The Conclusions – a summary of the content and purpose of the research.
- Acknowledgments
In this section, authors can mention the contribution of institutions, associates, colleagues and
other people important for the research. Most often, this is the part of the article where
recognition is given to institutions and grant donors for, owing to whom it is possible to conduct
research. It refers to all forms of financial assistance for the realization of the study. If this is not
the case, this section can be skipped or marked with None.
- Conflict of interest
All authors must disclose all relationships or interests that could inappropriately influence or bias
their work. If there is no conflict of interest, please put ‘None to declare’ in the respective section.
- Author Contributions
This should include a statement of the individual contribution of each author of the article. The
following criteria should be included: the conception or design of the work; the acquisition,
analysis, or interpretation of data; preparing the draft of the manuscript or interpretation of
revised version of manuscript.
- Ethical approval
Animal experiments should include a statement from the ethics committee and be in accordance
with legal standards (the permit number should be listed in the Material and Methods section).
The approval of the competent ethics committee is necessary for human research (the license
number should be stated in the Material and Methods section), whereas compliance with the
Declaration of Helsinki is needed for clinical trials.
- References
References are indicated by Arabic numerals in parentheses (1), (2-5), etc., in the order in which
they appear in the text.
References are numbered in the order in which they were first listed in the text. Use brackets (1)
after citations to quote references. The number of references should not exceed 40. The
Vancouver referencing style is used. When putting several references together, a dash is used to
mark consecutive numbers (12-15), while a comma is used when the numbers are not
consecutive (12-15, 18), (12,15,18). All references should be listed after Author Contributions.
Each reference should be accompanied by a DOI and PMID number if available. If there aremore than 6 authors, the first 6 authors are listed followed by et al. Correct citation is the
responsibility of the author of the article. Examples of correct citations include:
• For articles
Robeva R, Mladenović D, Vesković M, Hrnčić D, Bjekić-Macut J, Stanojlović O, et al. The
interplay between metabolic dysregulations and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in women
after menopause. Maturitas 2021; 151: 22-30. doi: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2021.06.012.
• For book chapter
Mitchell RN. Blood Vessels. In: Kumar V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins and Cotran
Pathologic Basis of Disease, 9th Edition. Elsevier Saunders, Philadelphia 2015; pp. 483-523.
• For books
Kumar V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 9th
Edition. Elsevier Saunders, Philadelphia 2015.
- Article Enclosures
Along with the manuscript, it is necessary to submit all attachments (tables, pictures,
illustrations, etc.) as separate files in the appropriate format. Allowed attachment formats are
EPS, PDF, TIFF (300 dpi).
• Tables
Tables are submitted on separate pages and are numbered with Arabic numerals (Table 1, Table
2, etc.), with an indication of the desired position in the text. The table title is given next to the
table label in Times New Roman font, font size 11 pt, just above the table, and the explanation is
written below in 11 pt font. In tables (as well as in the text) in English, you should write decimal
numbers with a dot (e.g., 2.5 ± 4.1). Column headings should be brief and clear with appropriate
units in brackets. Symbols and abbreviations should be defined in the table legend, which should
be below the table in Times New Roman font, font size 9 pt.
• Figures – pictures, graphs, diagrams
Figures such as photographs, graphs, diagrams should also be numbered with Arabic numerals
(Figure 1/Figure 1) on separate pages after the tables and submitted also as separate files in .tif or
.jpg (.jpeg) format. The title of the illustration should be short and informative, written in Times
New Roman font, font size 11pt, and placed exclusively below the attachment. If the images are
reproduced from other sources, it is necessary to state the copyright.
If photographs of people are included, it is important that people cannot be identified from the
attached material, otherwise the written consent of the subject is required. In the text it is
necessary to state the desired position of all attachments.
When preparing the text for printing, the Editorial office will try to keep the articles in the
indicated places, however, minor changes in the position or size of the articles are possible due to
technical reasons. The paper follows the International System of Units (SI) for results,
biochemical, clinical, hematological measurements. Abbreviations are used only if they make it
easier for the reader to review the text by avoiding repeating long terms, provided that the full
name with the abbreviation in brackets has been stated at the beginning of the text.
Review articles contain up to 5000 words, without abstracts (in Serbian and English) and
references, and they can have a maximum of 8 attachments. The first author should list at least 5
auto-citations. The review paper should be structured as follows:
- Title page
• The title of the article – short and informative, without abbreviations. It is preferably written in
capital letters, Times New Roman, with a font size of 12pt (bold).
• Full names of authors and their affiliations (department, university, city and country). All
affiliations are marked with numbers in the superscript if there are more authors and they belong
to different institutions
• Corresponding author – at the bottom of the page state the full name, institution where they are
employed with the address, telephone number, e-mail address.
- Abstract in Serbian
The abstract must not exceed 300 words and it is necessarily followed by a list of Key words (3-
5). The abstract of the review article is written without following any strict rules.
- Abstract in English
Abstract in English must not exceed 300 words and it is necessarily followed by a list of
Keywords (3-5). The abstract of the review paper is written without following any strict rules.
- The text of the article
The text of the article should contain the following sections (subheadings):
• Introduction
• Corresponding Section Headings
• Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
In this section, the author can mention the contribution of institutions, associates, colleagues,
translators and other people they deem important for their work. Most often, this is the part of the
paper where recognition is given to institutions and grant donors owing to whom it is possible to
conduct research. It refers to all forms of financial assistance for the realization of a study. If this
is not the case, this section can be skipped or marked None.
- Conflict of interest
All authors must disclose all relationships or interests that could inappropriately influence or bias
their work. If there is no conflict of interest, please put ‘None to declare’ in the respective section.
- Author ContributionsThis should include a statement of the individual contribution of each author of the article. The
following criteria should be included: the conception or design of the work; preparing the draft
of the manuscript or interpretation of revised version of manuscript.
- References
References are numbered in the order in which they were first listed in the text. Use brackets (1)
after citations to quote references. The number of references should not exceed 80. The DOI and
PMID number, if available, should be provided with each reference. The Vancouver reference
style is used. When putting several references together, a dash is used to mark consecutive
numbers (12-15), whereas a comma is used when the numbers are not consecutive (12-15, 18),
(12,15,18). If there are more than 6 authors, the first 6 authors are listed (et al.) Correct citation is
the responsibility of the author of the paper.
- Article Enclosures
Along with the manuscript, it is necessary to submit all attachments (tables, pictures,
illustrations, etc.) as separate files in the appropriate format. Allowed attachment formats are
EPS, PDF, TIFF (300 dpi) or Microsoft Office files (Word, PowerPoint, Excel).
• Tables
Tables are submitted on separate pages and are numbered with Arabic numerals (Table 1, Table
2, etc.), with an indication of the desired position in the text. The table name is given next to the
table label in Times New Roman font, font size 11 pt, just above the table, and the explanation
below is written in 11 pt font. In tables (as well as in the text) in English, you should write
decimal numbers with a dot (e.g., 2.5 ± 4.1). Column headings should be short and clear with
appropriate units in brackets. Symbols and abbreviations should be defined in the table legend,
which should be below the table in Times New Roman font, font size 9 pt.
• Figures – pictures, graphs, diagrams
Figures such as photographs, graphs, diagrams should also be numbered in Arabic numerals
(Figure 1/Figure 1) on separate pages after the tables. The title of the illustration should be short
and informative in Times New Roman font, font size 11pt, placed exclusively below the
attachment. Images are submitted in .tif, or .jpg (.jpeg) format. If the images are reproduced from
other sources, it is necessary to state the copyright. If photographs of people are included, the
photographed person must not be identified from the attached material, otherwise the written
consent of the subject is required. In the text it is necessary to state the desired position of all
attachments. When preparing the text for printing, the editorial office will try to keep the articles
in the indicated places, however, minor changes in the position or size of the articles are possible
due to technical reasons. The paper follows the International System of Units (SI) for results,
biochemical, clinical, hematological measurements. Abbreviations are used only if they make it
easier for the reader to review the text by avoiding repeating long terms, provided that at the
beginning of the text the full name was used with the abbreviation in brackets.
Patient and case reports must not exceed 1500 words, without abstracts (in Serbian and English)
and references. The text of the manuscript should be structured as follows:
- Title page
• The title of the article – short and informative, without abbreviations. It is preferably written in
capital letters, Times New Roman, with a font size of 12pt (bold).
• Full names of authors and their affiliations (department, university, city and country). All
affiliations are marked with numbers in the superscript if there are more authors and they belong
to different institutions
• Corresponding author – at the bottom of the page state the full name, institution where they are
employed with the address, telephone number, e-mail address
- Abstract in Serbian
The abstract must not exceed 250 words, and it is necessarily followed by a list of Key words (3-
5). The abstract should contain the following parts: Introduction/Objective, Patient Review,
- Abstract in English
Abstract in English must not exceed 250 words and it is necessarily followed by a list of
Keywords (3-5). The abstract should contain Introduction/Objective, Patient Review,
- The text of the article
The text of the article should contain the following sections (subheadings):
• Introduction
• Case report
• Discussion
• Conclusion
- Acknowledgments
In this section, the author can mention the contribution of institutions, associates, colleagues and
other people they deem important for their work. Most often, this is the part of the work where
recognition is given to institutions and grant donors, owing to whom it is possible to conduct
research. It refers to all forms of financial assistance for the realization of the study. If this is not
the case, this section can be skipped or marked None.
- Conflict of interest
All authors must disclose all relationships or interests that could inappropriately influence or bias
their work. If there is no conflict of interest, please put ‘None to declare’ in the respective section.
- Author Contributions
This should include a statement of the individual contribution of each author of the article. The
following criteria should be included: the conception or design of the work; the acquisition,
analysis, or interpretation of data; preparing the draft of the manuscript or interpretation of
revised version of manuscript.
- References
References are numbered in the order in which they were first listed in the text. Use brackets (1)
after citations to quote references. The number of references should not exceed 40. Each
reference should be accompanied by a DOI and PMID number if available. The Vancouver
reference style is used. When putting several references together, a dash is used to mark
consecutive numbers (12-15), whereas a comma is used when the numbers are not consecutive
(12-15, 18), (12,15,18). If there are more than 6 authors, the first 6 authors are listed (et al.)
Correct citation is the responsibility of the author of the paper.
- Article Enclosures
Along with the manuscript, it is necessary to submit all attachments (tables, pictures,
illustrations, etc.) as separate files in the appropriate format. Allowed attachment formats are
EPS, PDF, TIFF (300 dpi) or Microsoft Office files (Word, PowerPoint, Excel).
• Tables
The tables are submitted on separate pages and are numbered with Arabic numerals (Table 1,
Table 2, etc.), with an indication of the desired position in the text. The table title is written next
to the table label in Times New Roman font, font size 11 pt, just above the table and the
explanation is written below, in 11 pt font. In tables (as well as in the text) in English, you should
write decimal numbers with a dot (e.g., 2.5 ± 4.1). Column headings should be short and clear
with appropriate units in brackets. Symbols and abbreviations should be defined in the table
legend, which should be placed below the table in Times New Roman font, font size 9 pt.
• Figures – pictures, graphs, diagrams
Figures such as photographs, graphs, diagrams should also be numbered with Arabic numerals
(Figure 1/Figure 1) on separate pages after the tables. The title of the illustration should be short
and informative, written in Times New Roman, font size 11pt, and placed exclusively below the
attachment. Images are submitted in .tif, or .jpg (.jpeg) format. If the images are reproduced from
other sources, it is necessary to state the copyright. If photographs of people are included, it is
important that the photographed people cannot be identified from the attached material,
otherwise the written consent of the subject is required. In the text it is necessary to state the
desired position of all attachments. When preparing the text for printing, the editorial office will
try to keep the articles in the indicated places, however, minor changes in the position or size of
the articles are possible due to technical reasons. The paper follows the International System of
Units (SI) for results, biochemical, clinical, hematological measurements. Abbreviations are usedonly if they make it easier for the reader to review the text by avoiding repeating long terms,
provided that at the beginning of the text the full name was used with the abbreviation in the
For additional information you can contact:
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Medicine
Dr Subotica 8, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Second floor, Room No. 314
Phone: (+381) 11 36-36-359
Technical Assistant: